Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Save Money And Get Discount Homeowner 's Insurance In Louisiana

The primary way you can protect your asset is by insuring it - that 's why almost all homeowner 's in Louisiana, even homeowner 's who are not required to by their lenders, buy homeowner 's insurance. In all probability your house is your biggest asset, and, naturally, you want to do everything you can to protect that asset.

In fact, simply by reading this article, and putting one or more of its suggestions into practice, you could conceivably save several hundred dollars each and every year on your homeowner 's insurance. But even though almost every homeowner sees the necessity for homeowner 's insurance, few homeowners want to pay more for their insurance than they have to - and fortunately there 's no reason that you should.

Start with your credit rating. That 's right. Your credit rating has an effect on how much you pay for your homeowner 's insurance. The better your credit score the better the price you'll pay for homeowner 's insurance.

Pay your premiums yearly - if you can't afford to pay them yearly then make automatic payments each month out of your checking account. Doing so saves your insurance company money and they pass the savings on to you.

When determining how much homeowner 's insurance you need, only figure in the cost of rebuilding your home from the foundation up plus the cost of replacing the contents of your home - do not include the value of the land that your home sits on.

Replace any cracked or broken concrete walkways on your property and fill in all potholes. You want to make your property as free from potential liability claims as you possibly can. Replace any lose floorboards on porches or decks.

Trim bushes away from windows and add motion-sensitive lights to deter burglars. Make sure every exterior door has a working deadbolt and every window has a working lock.

Buying a 24/7 off-site-monitored home security system can provide you and your family with a great deal of peace of mind. Buying such a system can also save you a hefty 20% or even more on your homeowner 's insurance every month. Don't make a final decision on a system, however, without first discussing it with your insurance agent since not every system will earn the full 20% discount.

If you have a home business ask your tax advisor if all or a portion of the cost of your home security system can be made tax deductible. If you can combine a 20% savings on your premium with an additional tax savings you can feel quite good about your investment.

Buy and install a kitchen-rated fire extinguisher in your kitchen.

Make sure you have the right number of smoke/fire/carbon monoxide detectors installed and that they each have a fresh battery. Remember to change batteries in all detectors twice yearly.

If you have an older home, even a home just 10 years old, ask your agent if upgrading your water and electrical system would save you enough money every month to be worthwhile. Often it is.

Increase your deductible. The larger your deductible the smaller your monthly homeowner 's insurance premium. But don't go overboard and promise to pay more than you can actually afford.

Buy your homeowner 's insurance online to save even more.

Many people make the mistake of looking at just 1 homeowner 's insurance price comparison website. Comparing prices on just one site will only show you the prices of a very small number of insurance companies operating in Louisiana. If you really want to compare the largest number of insurance companies possible then you'll need to make your comparisons on at least 3 different websites.

Use the information you have learned from this article when filling out the forms on the 3 sites - and be careful to put the same answers onto all the forms so that you will be comparing the same homeowner 's policy across all three sites.

Out of that list you merely need to choose the lowest price and you're done! Now review all of your results and then ask yourself which companies you feel confident will still be in business 30 years from now.

You have now entered the ranks of the professional when it comes to ways to save money and get discount homeowner 's insurance in Louisiana!


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